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Welcome to the Australian Cyber Security Games! We are thrilled to have you and over 40 teams representing universities from all around Australia join us.

Please take a moment to review the following rules of engagement to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone.

  1. Respect and Sportsmanship. All participants must act with respect towards other participants and organisers at all times. Harassment or unsportsmanlike behaviour will result in immediate disqualification.
  2. Infrastructure Attacks. Any attack against the competition infrastructure, including brute forcing, will result in a team ban. This includes vuln scans.
  3. No Cheating. Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to sharing answers, using unauthorised tools, or exploiting vulnerabilities outside the scope of the competition.
  4. Collaboration. While teamwork is encouraged within your team, do not share flags with other teams. Each team should work independently to solve the challenges.
  5. Time Management. Be mindful of the competition schedule and deadlines. Ensure you submit your solutions within the allotted time. No flag hoarding.
  6. Reporting Issues. If you encounter any issues or suspect any rule violations, report them immediately to the organisers through the provided channels.
  7. First week flag. The first flag is SECEDU{l3t_th3_g4m35_b3g1n}
  8. Second week flag. SECEDU{s0m3th1ng_15_s71rr1ng...}
  9. Third week flag. SECEDU{rumbl3_rumbl3...}
  10. Write-up policy. We encourage participants to create write-ups on the challenges that they solve, but please keep in mind that other teams may be yet to solve the challenge. As such, we ask that they are only published the week after release.
  11. Have fun! (Yes, this is a rule). Remember, the primary goal of this competition is to learn and have fun. Enjoy the challenges and the opportunity to improve your skills.

We wish you the best of luck and hope you have a fantastic time competing!

Let the games begin!